Which Countries Have the Most Women to Men


The planet now have more than 8 billion humans on it, yet more men find themselves single than ever before. Their are countries where the opposite is true, where women have a harder time finding a suitable partner.

There are many reasons why the ratio of men to women maybe far wider than is normal, especially in poorer countries with higher child mortality rates, for instance. Generally speaking; the richer a country is, the smaller the difference between the number of men and women.

The US population is 50.5% female to 49.5% men, that translates to 98 males to 100 females. In another rich country Canada, – that has a nationalized healthcare system – there population is 50.36% women.

Nature seems to naturally keep the female of any species including humans in the slight majority – no matter how rich your country is.

Technically with all things being equal naturally their is normally slightly more women than men but sometimes that natural order is thrown off. Here are the countries where women appreciably outnumber men. This data was compiled from Statista’s 2021 world population stats:

  1. 54.21% Hong Kong SAR, China (population, 7.413 million)
  2. 53.97% Curacao (population, 7.413 million)
  3. 53.91% Nepal (population, 153K)
  4. 53.88% Latvia (population, 1.883 million)
  5. 53.71% Lithuania (population, 2.795 million)
  6. 53.66% Ukraine (population, 43.81 million)
  7. 53.64% Russia (population, 143.4 million)
  8. 53.43% Belarus (population, 9.34 million)
  9. 53.22% El Salvador (population, 6.518 million)
  10. 52.97% Armenia (population, 2.968 million)
  11. 52.68% Portugal (population, 10.3 million)
  12. 52.65% Puerto Rico (population, 3.264 million)
  13. 52.58% Aruba (population, 107K)
  14. 52.54% Estonia (population, 1.329 million)
  15. 52.53% Virgin Islands (U.S.) (population, 106K)
  16. 52.38% Hungary (population, 9.71 million)
  17. 52.36% Georgia (population, 3.709 million)
  18. 52.26% Zimbabwe (population, 15.09 million)
  19. 52.14% Moldova (population, 2.574 million)
  20. 52.09% Sri Lanka (population, 22.16 million)