What is the Link Between Sexual Inactivity and Divorce?

couple distracted

What do sex and marriage have in common? They both become less frequent once you’re married. A University of New England study found that couples are having sex about once every 10 days during their engagement period but that frequency drops to about once every month once they are married.

A recent survey revealed that the average married couple has sex just once every few weeks. While this may not seem like much, it is an alarming statistic when you consider the high divorce rate among new marriages.

That’s right – the decrease in sexual activity among married couples is directly linked with a higher risk of divorce. For those who are currently in a relationship or planning on getting married one day, this should be a red flag.

Here’s why…

How Sexual Activity Affects Relationships

Sex is an important part of any romantic relationship, as it helps to cement bonds, create new memories, and strengthen feelings of intimacy. Couples who have sex often report experiencing feelings of satisfaction and closeness, whereas those who do not have sex report experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction and isolation.

Research has found that couples who have regular sex are less likely to break up than those who have little to no sexual activity. Why? Simply put, sex is important to a healthy relationship!

It can improve communication between partners, relieve stress, and help to foster feelings of trust. Sexual activity is also linked with more positive feelings about oneself. When a person is sexually active, he or she may feel more confident in general and less anxious about his or her self-worth.

In other words, when you have sex, it can help boost your self-esteem and self-worth. This, in turn, can positively impact your relationship.

Why is there a Link Between Divorce and Sexual Inactivity?

When couples stop having sex, they often begin to drift apart emotionally and even physically. Couples who are not sexually active may also be less likely to communicate with each other and express their feelings. Which can lead to resentment, anger, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction in the relationship.

Sexual inactivity has been linked to lower levels of satisfaction in relationships, which can increase the risk of divorce. People who are dissatisfied in their relationships may be more likely to end their marriages, especially if they are not happy with the communication in their relationships.

This Sexual dissatisfaction can lead to other problems in relationships, including a lack of trust and a negative attitude toward one’s partner. If you are no longer having sex with your partner, it may be a sign that something is wrong in your relationship.

On the other hand sexually active people are more likely to be happy and satisfied in their relationships than those who are not sexually active.